Copenhagen Denmark- Travel photography
Two 20 somethings sit in the international terminal of the LAX airport, nervous and excited on February 10th, 2015. They are much too early for their flight, but pull their new suitcases across the linoleum floor listening to the departures and foreign names being called over the the intercom. They grab a drink at the lounge and chat about their upcoming adventure. Those two kids were myself and my boyfriend, Peter. We spent months and months preparing for that day; coordinating schedules, looking and re-looking up flights, desperately searching Air BNB, begging my boyfriend for more and more days, researching cities, planning EVERY. LITTLE. DETAIL. Planning for this trip consumed my life and I was thankful for that fact. I truly love planning trips. It takes my mind off everything else and I can just fantasize about new lands.
On our day of departure, I was slightly, if not totally freaked out about flying. I hadn’t flown in about 10 years and we were about to board a 10 hour flight to Copenhagen, Denmark. Peter held my hand tightly on our night-time take off which eased my initial worries. We slept a bit during the flight and when we landed in Copenhagen it was the DARKEST places Ive ever seen. It took up two trains and some confusion to find our host’s home in Osterbro. We got so incredibly lucky with kind hosts. They even let us borrow their bikes to trek around the city. We only had about two days to spend there so zooming about in Copenhagen’s preferred mode of travel was exhilarating. The streets, along with everything else for that matter, were extremely bike friendly, with separate bike lanes and signals. Although it was much too cold for two somewhat under-dressed Californians, we managed not to lose any appendages. Copenhagen in February is the kind of cold we will forever to refer to when we think something is “freezing”. (Lesson learned, more coats next time. Maybe even some decent gloves.)
Being in another country on another continent is a brilliantly beautiful feeling every moment you acknowledge that fact. We could be soaking in the warmth of a corner coffee shop, eying our locked bikes on a cobbled stoned street and one of us would blurt out, “We are in Denmark….”, then our eyes would light up and the other would agree, “We are in Denmark! We are in Europe!” That psychical self realization would send us into travel high. This occurred VERY often throughout the entirety of our trip.
On our last day in Denmark, we biked over to the University botanical gardens that I had discovered online the night before by accident. It’s safe to say that would found Jurassic Park in Copenhagen, and it was definitely a highlight of our time there.
Now to to Paris…
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